(Streamed Event)
(Streamed Event)
The Digital Ideas Conference in its Catalonia edition includes the participation of psychologists, neurologists, engineers and cultural managers, entrepreneurs, researchers, artists, and multidisciplinary creators who live or reside in Catalonia and who thought their activities and management assuming the contemporary digital transformation, presenting projects and experiences that allow strengthening the creation, production, distribution, and circulation of cultural content in digital environments.
The talks will revolve around digital ecosystems, the metaverse, and new corporealities; social innovation, digital transformation, participatory citizenship, hybrid creation and the construction of human and non-human worlds, data with a feminist perspective, and citizen empowerment through experimentation and collective practice.
You can access the streaming via this link.
Thursday 3rd November
Presentation of the Digital Ideas Conference, Catalonia Edition
With Àngel Mestres (Trànsit Projectes).
Inaugural talk: “Metaverse, digital communities and virtual interaction spaces”.
With José Ramón Ubieto (co-author of the book “¿Bienvenido metaverso? Presencia, cuerpo y avatares en la era digital”, NED Ediciones). Moderator: José Valenzuela Ruiz (Expert in neuroscience, engineering, literature, and virtual reality).
Round table «Citizen innovation«
With Javier Carrillo (Crowdcoop), César Biojo (Kaleido) y Xènia Gaya (Col·lectiu Cultura). Moderator: Víctor Jiménez Sánchez (Bit Lab, Innovació Cultural Social).
Learn from the best
Citizen innovation
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Hybrid creation, robotics, humans, non-humans – who are the new creators?
Metaverse, digital communities and virtual interaction spaces
Training capsules
Data with a gender perspective
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Participation and Citizen Empowerment: Methodologies of experimentation and collective practice
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José Ramón Ubieto
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