
José Ramón Ubieto

Clinical psychologist. Member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis. Lecturer at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Psychology and Educational Sciences Studies) and collaborating lecturer at the Universitat de Barcelona (Master’s Degree in Psychopathology and Psychoanalysis). A regular contributor to the newspapers “La Vanguardia” and The Conversation, he has published in various national and international journals. Author of “El trabajo en red. Possible uses in Education, Mental Health and Social Services” (Gedisa, 2009), “La construcción del caso en el trabajo en red. Theory and practice” (EdiUOC, 2012), “ADHD. Talking to the body” (EdiUOC, 2014) and “The post-COVID world. Between presence and the virtual” (Ned, 2021). Co-author of “Niñ@s hiper. Infancias hiperactivas, hipersexualizadas, hiperconectadas” (Ned, 2018) and “¿Bienvenido Metaverso? Presencia, cuerpo y avatares en la era digital (Ned, 2022). She has coordinated: “Bullying. A false exit for adolescents” (Ned, 2016), and “From Father to iPad. Families and networks in the digital age” (2019, Ned).


Co autor del libro ¿Bienvenido metaverso? Presencia, cuerpo y avatares en la era digital, NED Ediciones


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