The Barcelona edition of the Digital Ideas Conference invited participants to learn about different projects and experiences in order to find inspiration and develop tools to strengthen the creation, production, distribution, and circulation of cultural content in digital environments. Artists, organisations, institutions, and all kinds of cultural agents from the cultural fabric thought about their activities and their management taking on board the contemporary digital transformation.
The content of this edition can be accessed through the section Learn from the best in the explorer of the project’s website or by entering the Virtual Classroom.
Thursday 7 April
Inauguration of Digital Ideas Conference
With Ángel Mestres (Tránsit Projectes).
Inaugural conference: “Digital interactions, citizen activism and networked technologies”
Round table “From the bottom up”
With Soliman López (Harddisk Museum y Cryptolea), Soledad Gómez Vilchez (Mediamusea), Alberto Flores (El Recetario), Tomás Guido (Mentes Colmena). Modera: Mariona A. Cíller (SokoTech).
Round table “Emotionalizing in the digital world”
With Alejandra @Culomala; Marta Handenawer (Domestic Data Streamers) Ignacio de Juan-Creix (Plat Institute y Foodture Connecting platform), Sergio Rodríguez (Garden Atlas) y Clara Harguindey (Desmusea y vitrin.as). Modera: Marc Catalá (MUCHO).
Training capsule “Digital skills for cultural managers”
With Núria Alonso (Colectic).
Training capsule “Narratives and digital activism”
With María Lobo (Gingko /Ben Curiosa).
Collaborative environment “And you, are you digital?”
Driven by David Márquez (Radar Cultura).
Friday 8 April
Training capsule “Digitize your work in the NFTs universe”
With Edu Bernal, Lina Bautista, Luis Sánchez Urgiles y Julieta Amado.
Training capsule “Freelance Technology”
with Emilio Ruiz Mateo.
Training capsule “Civic Design for Citizen Participation and Digital Transformation”
With Doménico Di Siena (Humano Urbano).
Collaborative environment “And you, are you digital?”
Driven by Doménico Di Siena (Humano Urbano).
Learn from the Best
Digital interactions, citizen activism and networked technologies
5 de April de 2022Learn from the BestBarcelona Edition /Digital communities /Activisim /Social innovation and creativity
Emotionalizing in the digital world
5 de April de 2022Learn from the BestBarcelona Edition /Digital media /Digital transformation
From the bottom up
5 de April de 2022Learn from the BestBarcelona Edition /Digital media /Networks
Training capsules
Civic Design for Citizen Participation and Digital Transformation
5 de April de 2022Learn from the BestCollective Intelligence /Barcelona Edition
Digital skills for cultural managers
5 de April de 2022Learn from the BestBarcelona Edition /Free culture /Free access
Digitize your work in the NFTs universe
6 de April de 2022Learn from the BestNFT /Barcelona Edition /Technology /Digital art
Freelance Technology
5 de April de 2022Learn from the BestBarcelona Edition /Technology
Narratives and digital activism
Collaborative environments
And you, are you digital?
And you, are you digital?
5 de April de 2022Learn from the BestCollective Intelligence /Barcelona Edition /Digital communities