
Doménico Di Siena

Doménico is a Civic Designer, Researcher, Consultant, Entrepreneur, and Activist; Cooperative partner of the fairbnb.coop platform where he coordinates the Community Development area and the Territorial Activation Office; and Responsible for the development of Volumes Media focused on the activation processes of civic-economic ecosystems for local development. Instigator and co-founder of different spaces, networks, and communities, known for their capacity for innovation and knowledge exchange, as the spaces Volumes Lab in Paris, Factoría Cívica in Valencia, the platform Ciudades Comunes, the international network CivicWise, and the Civic Innovation School focused on processes of Collective Intelligence, Civic Innovation.

He is the author of the white paper “Civic Design Method”. He promotes and develops processes, tools and spaces that help local institutions, organization and universities to cooperate with the citizenship creating collective intelligence projects that cause positive impact.

He also works with international organizations, universities and public and private institutions in Europe and Latin America.

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