Mariona is the president of Habilis per Abacus Cooperativa; Co-founder and creative director of SokoTech, and Director and curator of STEAMConf and Maker Faire Barcelona. She graduated cum laude from the University of Illinois with a double Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) in the disciplines of Visual Communication and Art History. Subsequently, she Master of Science (M.Sc) in Mass Media & Management Studies and Assistant Professor at the same university, where she teaches classes on free software tools and open culture. Her thesis, Free Culture Project, which merges the power of technology with the transformative power of education, was a turning point in her professional career, which has been oriented since then towards territories of reinvention of learning, hand in hand with the most advanced technologies. Graduated in Digital and Electronic Manufacturing by the Fab Academy (CBA-MIT), she is a Postgraduate in Design Research & Management Educational Evaluation and Research by the Instituto Superior de Educaçao e Ciências de Lisboa (ISEC). She is currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Sciences & Human-Computer Interaction at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). In 2015 he created SokoTech, a digital social innovation lab that brings together a cross-sectoral team of experts in the conception and production of projects at the frontier of arts, science, and technology.