The cultural environments where digital creation is welcomed, contextualized and contrasted with audiences are increasingly becoming numerous and standardized. If digital creation has long shown itself to be restless, dynamic and attractive, the audiences have been able to reciprocate and have been growing, forming and becoming more complex. However, if we stop observing this situation, would we change anything in our strategies regarding contemporary creation? Do digital creators think about audiences? Are the audiences of digital creation segmented? Is it possible to aspire to a social transversality of these audiences? All these questions have to do with how we understand “the digital” as a cultural phenomenon that is becoming even more loved, followed, reputed… Hence sustainable for broader layers of society.
Mesa redonda con María Fabuel (Domestic Data streamers), Matías Daporta (Festival “Me gustas pixelad_”), Elisa Cuesta (Artista) y Cristian Figueroa (TejeRedes). Modera: David Márquez (Radar Cultura).