The aim of the project is to promote digital inclusion and access to the Internet through open and community technologies, helping people to have a quality Internet connection, with a social and community base. Xarxa Oberta de Barris provides free access for (at least) one year to family or cohabitation units that present violations of the right to access the Internet and/or digital technologies.
This is a project to build a community Internet network, exploring new models of governance of access to the network, based on the Xarxa Oberta de Barcelona model, a more inclusive, more open and more democratic model. A community project for digital inclusion that enables Internet connectivity for the benefit of the most socially vulnerable families (12 cohabitation units) in the Congrés and Indians neighbourhood and its immediate surroundings.
It is a cultural project of inclusivity in telecommunications. It is based on the principle that access to telecommunications and the Internet is a fundamental human right in the digital era, understanding that access to new technologies is of vital importance for social inclusion. This is achieved by extending existing networks and covering areas with scarce resources so that they can be connected. The aim is to reduce the digital divide – 3% of the population in Catalonia does not have internet – through community cooperation, under a model of common governance. Part of a 2014 project carried out in Raval Sur.