
Carlos J. Navarro

Born in Granada, Carlos is passionate about contemporary art, technological innovation, and narrative in all its forms. During the last years, he has combined his work as Creative Director in agencies such as McCann Worldgroup or HerraizSoto&co with his collaboration in different start-ups such as HolaLuz, Notegraphy, or Bitcarrier. In parallel, he co-founded in 2015 the international art collective Random Happiness, with which he has exhibited at Tate Modern in London, the Buenos Aires Photographic Biennial, or the Third Paradise Forum in Cuba, among others. In love with new learning and creation processes such as Art Thinking, he has also learned and shared his experience in centers such as ELISAVA, BAU, IDEP, IED, Tilburg University, ISDI Havana, Brother or Complot.


Random Happiness


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