About this section

The ultimate section disseminates information on upcoming Digital Ideas Days or other activities planned within the framework of the project. In addition, you will find articles on topics of interest that have been curated to different agents and…

Cartographies in the digital age: virtual travels, mapping and physical translation of data

In his virtual exploration Journey to the Center of Google Earth published in Altaïr Magazine, the chronicler Simon Sellars delights in the multiple digital textures in 360 degrees proposed by this new way of experiencing cartography and writes: "If…

Digital art and science: the ultimate alliance

For a long time and in the vast majority of educational institutions around the world, special attention was paid to the pedagogical approach called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), which encompassed science, technology,…

Digital art in the post-pandemic museum

At this point, it is obvious to state that during the COVID-19 pandemic, many digitization processes that were underway or latent in many environments were accelerated. But it never hurts to remember it, especially in the case of museums, since it…

Food, environment, and digital culture

Of all the current imbalances in the world, perhaps the most accentuated, serious, and absurd is the large amount of food that is thrown away every day along with the enormous amount of people who go hungry. Millions of tons of food are in the…

Technofeminism: Technology from a Gender Perspective

Technofeminism is a term created by Australian sociologist Judy Wajcman and defines the link between feminism and social studies on technology. Being a technofeminist or working around technofeminism implies thinking and developing technological…